
Bush walking in Brisbane State Forest Park

Scarlet Honeyeater (Myzomela sanguinolenta). A fantastically colored bird which is quite common in Brisbane Forest Park.

Australian Brush Turkey (Alectura lathami). Also very commong and sometimes anoying - especially if you try to have a snack. They'll come and try to get their share!

Harry and Jasmin.

Spotted Partdalote (Pardalotus punctatus). It is one of the smalles and for my feeling one of the most beautiful of Australia's birds. We watched them collecting bark and carrying it into their little holes in the ground which they tend to use for nesting.

G'day mates! We did some nice bush walking in Brisbane Forest Park and spotted great wild life: Hardhead Ducks, Kingfishers, Red-bellied Black Snake, Eastern Grey Kangaroo, Bell Miners and many more. This park has a single round track of about 5 km length. A great place for a day trip of bird watching!!!

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