
Some outcome..

Hey all! I don't even know if anybody is continuing to look on this site. But here is somethin new.. finally!
The first thing:
On the cruise I prepared a poster. For those who are not into life-science habits:
Posters are one of at least three different way to publish results of the research you do. It is a very short and superficial way and it takes relativly long to make it. Posters are exposed on conferences and if you are lucky and included some eye-catching graphy or pictures, you can provoke diskussions and it is a productive thing in the name of science. This poster was prepared by me and some coworkers for an international meeting on Antarctic research with the german federal minister for education and research, Dr. Anette Schavan, on board FS “POLARSTERN” in Cape Town, South Africa. But it was also exposed on the SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia. It is not the typical poster you can expect from a scientist, as it free of any text. Why? Yopu can see the poster and read the short introduction here.

And there is some more new stuff: I started a second blog. It has not much to do with Antarctica but with crustaceans and invertebrates in general. I'd like to encourage some people to chat and discuss about taxonomic and phylogenetic riddles and enigmas of today. So I started a blog telling about my adventures of reading a book called "Spezielle Zoologie". I don't know where it will end up.. but I hope to find some people that are not bored to death.

1 Kommentar:

Sven hat gesagt…

Klingt doch alles ganz super. Poster machen wir hier nicht, aber dafür müssen wir jeden Abend ein Schild bemalen - Gestern für den Krabbenabend die frisch direkt hier aus der Lagune kommen :-)

Gruß aus Brazil,