Hello! Ugh.. what a short and unpleasant night. We both didn't know what to expect when we came to this place. Our flatmate is such a lovely person and the house is really comfortable. Unfortunately, it is located right next to a street which is, despite its small width, immensely used 24/7. Further more, there is the CityLine rail and some inter-city rail traffic going right by 24/7. At the same time, the house is pretty clairaudient. Closing the windows hardly has any effect. As if that was not enough, the entry lane of the international airport is pretty close to the house. It is the hell on earth when those A380s fly by, I can tell you! We did not get much sleep, the constant high level of noise is nerve-wracking - freaking us out and we seriously think about moving again. The problem is only: Where to?! I am hitting the keys since hours to find a new place to stay ASAP. But this is not so easy.
Ein Griff ins Klo also..

Still, we tried to have some fun today and it worked quite well thanks to Michelle and Lucille. We went to two different markets, enjoyed ourselves having tried all sorts of bakery products, fruit and stuff. The weather was okay, sometimes it rained a bit but it is warm and humid.

Mishelle, Lucille and Jasmin at the market having yummy things..
Judged on this photograph I cannot promise that there won't remain any damage from the noise.Now it is Saturday night, we are both wrecked because of last night and we will try to eat left-overs from the feast, to get some rest now and to ignore the background noise.
See ya..
2 Kommentare:
I am really wanting reliable flatmates and it is only a 15 minute bus ride to uni and I think it would be quieter...just transfer to U.Q.
We are coming! Mid-July! Mark it in your calender (if you have one ;) ), mate!
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