
At Daisy Hill Coservation Park

In the conservation park in Daisy Hill we did some bush walking and tried to see a Koala in the wild. We weren't successful but they had some in an outdoor enclosure. Wildlife was plenty, though, and we spotted Wallabies, Parrots and other birds.

Torben 'hunting' animals at Daisy Hill. Pic: (c) J.Ruch

The Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen) is one of the most common birds in the parks and backyards in the city. We also saw them at Daisy Hill.

A Red-necked Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) mother with a baby in the pouch.

Somebody definetely wanted one of those Wallabies for herself..

A Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in the Daisy Hill Koala Center outdoor enclosure. Pretty active this one - for a Koala: Scratching itself while keeping the eyes shut.

Finally, youngster got out of the pouch.. Here we see it drinking..

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