
Happy New Year - Best wishes from Down Under

G'day there!

I've safely arrived in Sydney facing a tantalising 2012!

The trip was okay despite its length. I have to say that Emirates was not meeting my expectations in terms of comfort and service. There is not much to complain about, but the seat space felt smaller (especially the width) compared to my last flight with Quantas. And the interior of the Boing 777-300 from Hamburg to Dubai was looking used and old fashioned and was in a bad condition (e.g. stow-away screens of the seats at the emergency exits were falling down at slightest turbulence). During the flight from Dubai to Sydney, there was not more service than absolutely necessary. You had to ask for water yourself and they always seemed a bit reluctant to provide it. Compared to that, on a Quantas A380 I was regularly offered drinks and for those who drink cubic meters of water during long flights (like me) you have a bar for self serviceat the rear of the plain offering cookies, crackers, soft drinks and drinking water from the tab.

Even though it takes some hours longer, next time I would prefer the connection via London and Singapur with Quantas and the Airbus A380 which is by the way often much cheaper that flying Emirates.

We are staying at a wonderful place. For the moment, we have a power-packed dog called 'Emo' and a touching cat called 'Smutge' next to two chicken (we call them Hanni & Nanni). We are sitting those creatures and their home, a house with pool in suburbia, Sydney.

Emo loves catching, chewing and returning whatever you throw!


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