On Sunday (yesterday) it was nice weather and so we went to have a walk through the Royal Botanic Garden. This neat place is located downtown Sydney at the southern shore, very close to the city center, the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. It was beautiful and relaxing and we saw lots of cool animals, which tend to be - I must admit - very common down here, but are new to me, of course. Have an impression:
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo: Cacatua galerita Latham, 1790
Masked Lapwing: Vanellus miles Boddaert, 1783
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo: Cacatua galerita Latham, 1790
This cutie is - I think - the Rainbow Lorikeet: Trichoglossus haematodus Linnaeus, 1771
The same bird from another perspective.
An impressive web of a Edible Golden Silk Spider: Nephila edulis Labillardière, 1799
Another Sulphur-crested Cockatoo: Cacatua galerita Latham, 1790
Grey-headed Flying-foxes: Pteropus poliocephalus Temminck, 1825
More of them.. I also got some nice shots of the male copulatory organs - if anyone is eager to see!
Ahh.. what I completely missed to tell: The white building I called the Sydney Opera House the other day actually wasn't the Opera House! It was another, much more unimportant building. Sorry for that confusion (if anyone recognised). The Opera House was right next to it and I must have overseen it. Well, here it is (the big spiny building filling the upper left corner of the picture; behind Jasmin)!
Some more Fruit Bats.
A semi-domesticated and sometimes furious dingo.
4 Kommentare:
Ey, solche Dingos laufen hier auch rum ;)
Nein. So einen Dingo hab ich noch nie zuvor gesehen: Blind und durch Überzüchtung vollständig seiner anderen Sinne beraubt, läuft der den ganzen Tag im Kreis wie ein Autoscooter und stößt zielgenau gegen jedes Hindernis, welches sich anbietet.. Haha.. degenerierte Töle..
I did notice the ''Opera House'' b ut didn't say anything hahaha.
BTW...Edible spider??? what aaaaare you talking about?
Haha.. Harry the Great! Thanks for keeping my jokes alive!
'Edible' is this spider's name. It is probably edible, I reckon!
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