Hey you there! A first and very busy week at the Australian Museum is over. I've set up my office bench and accomplished a lot already. Buz seems to be highly motivated about our cooperation and is a very friendly host. He has his part in keeping me busy!
While time runs quickly, winter takes its toll. Here in the southwestern part of Australia, winters tend to start early and people here know that well. So everybody gets prepared and thongs and shorts are being replaced by warm clothes.
While time runs quickly, winter takes its toll. Here in the southwestern part of Australia, winters tend to start early and people here know that well. So everybody gets prepared and thongs and shorts are being replaced by warm clothes.
No honestly - don't bother too much about my bullshit writing: It is getting a bit colder but still often it has more than 20° centigrade. The water is warm as well and today we went snorkeling at Shelly Beach, Manly. It was impressive with a lot of fishes and even two different shark species (a Wobbegong - Family Orectolobidae and a Dusky Whaler Carcharhinus obscurus) and a ray (or probably an Angel Shark - I have ti check that) that we saw. And then there was this Echidna. Isn't that awesome!?
We had a barbie and met with some other people from Macquarie University. That was cool. We went there by ferry which was neat as well. I like being here a lot and I even have to confess: Though Hamburg is a nice and beautiful city with a lot of green and maritime feeling -which both I like a lot- Sydney has more of that and somehow thrills me. Bluey knew what she ment, when she wrote the other day to me: 'Expect not to want to go home!' Could be, Bluey, could be...
1 Kommentar:
...not wanting to go home again sounds somewhat familiar to me ;)
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